We offer heartfelt condolences
It is with great sorrow and compassion that we announce the death of Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Jonathan Krome. Dr. Krome joined Spectrum Medical Practice (previously Danville Orthopedic Clinic) in 2004.
He received his undergraduate degree from the University of Michigan, and his medical degree from The University of Maryland. His orthopedic training was performed at Wake Forest University/Bowman Gray School of Medicine. Dr. Krome was a Board-Certified orthopedic surgeon with specialty interests in Arthroscopy, Sports Medicine, and Total Joint Replacement.
While Dr. Krome helped thousands of patients both in surgery and in his private practice, he also assisted outside the clinic. Dr. Krome was a team physician for the Danville Braves and Averett University Athletics for several years. He also saw athletes on a regular basis through Danville Public Schools as well as Pittsylvania County Schools. Dr. Krome’s Spectrum family of physicians and staff offer their heartfelt condolences to his family and close friends and mourn this loss to our community.